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Naimark Photography images taken at the CJL Horse Show Series. ©2021 Karin Naimark, Naimark Photography. All rights reserved. Taking screenshots, copying, printing and sharing these unpurchased proofs is a violation of copyright law and strictly prohibited. Thank you for respecting our copyright and purchasing the photos you love!
211204-085328 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3796C NaimarkPhoto211204-085416 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3797C NaimarkPhoto211204-090251 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3817C NaimarkPhoto211204-090319 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3818C NaimarkPhoto211204-090348 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3821C NaimarkPhoto211204-091101 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3852C NaimarkPhoto211204-091200 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3853C NaimarkPhoto211204-091229 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3855C NaimarkPhoto211204-091611 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3858C NaimarkPhoto211204-091641 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3859C NaimarkPhoto211204-091712 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3861C NaimarkPhoto211204-091740 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3863C NaimarkPhoto211204-092403 CJL DUNCRAVEN 3866C NaimarkPhoto