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Note: Indoor images are unedited. Prints and MED/LARGE digital files will be edited upon purchase. SMALL files will be edited upon request. Naimark Photography images taken at the CJL, Inc. Horse Show at the Centenary University Equestrian Center in Long Valley, NJ USA. ©2022 Karin Naimark, Naimark Photography. All rights reserved. Taking screenshots, copying, printing and sharing these unpurchased proofs is a violation of copyright law and strictly prohibited. Thank you for respecting our copyright and purchasing the photos you love!
220319-142010 CJL CENTENARY 7062K NaimarkPhoto220319-142033 CJL CENTENARY 7065K NaimarkPhoto220319-142034 CJL CENTENARY 7066K NaimarkPhoto220319-142042 CJL CENTENARY 7067K NaimarkPhoto220319-142239 CJL CENTENARY 7088K NaimarkPhoto220319-142316 CJL CENTENARY 7092K NaimarkPhoto220319-142316 CJL CENTENARY 7093K NaimarkPhoto220319-142338 CJL CENTENARY 7096K NaimarkPhoto220319-142615 CJL CENTENARY 7109K NaimarkPhoto220319-142630 CJL CENTENARY 7112K NaimarkPhoto220319-142630 CJL CENTENARY 7113K NaimarkPhoto220319-142656 CJL CENTENARY 7119K NaimarkPhoto220319-142656 CJL CENTENARY 7120K NaimarkPhoto220319-142938 CJL CENTENARY 7135K NaimarkPhoto220319-142953 CJL CENTENARY 7136K NaimarkPhoto220319-143017 CJL CENTENARY 7140K NaimarkPhoto220319-143039 CJL CENTENARY 7144K NaimarkPhoto220319-143229 CJL CENTENARY 7147K NaimarkPhoto220319-143305 CJL CENTENARY 7149K NaimarkPhoto220319-143328 CJL CENTENARY 7153K NaimarkPhoto