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Note: Indoor images are unedited. Prints and MED/LARGE digital files will be edited upon purchase. SMALL files will be edited upon request. Naimark Photography images taken at the CJL, Inc. Horse Show at the Centenary University Equestrian Center in Long Valley, NJ USA. ©2022 Karin Naimark, Naimark Photography. All rights reserved. Taking screenshots, copying, printing and sharing these unpurchased proofs is a violation of copyright law and strictly prohibited. Thank you for respecting our copyright and purchasing the photos you love!
220319-075751 CJL CENTENARY 4002K NaimarkPhoto220319-075751 CJL CENTENARY 4003K NaimarkPhoto220319-080227 CJL CENTENARY 4005K NaimarkPhoto220319-080503 CJL CENTENARY 4009K NaimarkPhoto220319-080503 CJL CENTENARY 4010K NaimarkPhoto220319-080503 CJL CENTENARY 4011K NaimarkPhoto220319-080617 CJL CENTENARY 4013K NaimarkPhoto220319-081038 CJL CENTENARY 4016K NaimarkPhoto220319-081107 CJL CENTENARY 4020K NaimarkPhoto220319-081133 CJL CENTENARY 4031K NaimarkPhoto220319-081206 CJL CENTENARY 4035K NaimarkPhoto220319-081206 CJL CENTENARY 4036K NaimarkPhoto220319-081556 CJL CENTENARY 4040K NaimarkPhoto220319-081556 CJL CENTENARY 4042K NaimarkPhoto220319-081626 CJL CENTENARY 4046K NaimarkPhoto220319-081626 CJL CENTENARY 4047K NaimarkPhoto220319-081656 CJL CENTENARY 4053K NaimarkPhoto220319-081656 CJL CENTENARY 4054K NaimarkPhoto220319-081656 CJL CENTENARY 4055K NaimarkPhoto220319-084004 CJL CENTENARY 4285K NaimarkPhoto