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Naimark Photography images taken at Birchtown Stables in Forest City, PA USA. ©2020 Karin Naimark, Naimark Photography. All rights reserved. Taking screenshots, copying, printing and sharing these unpurchased proofs is a violation of copyright law and strictly prohibited. Thank you for respecting our copyright and purchasing the photos you love!
200620-113302 BIRCHTOWN 5134K NaimarkPhoto200620-113303 BIRCHTOWN 5135K NaimarkPhoto200620-114059 BIRCHTOWN 5164K NaimarkPhoto200620-123628 BIRCHTOWN 0341K NaimarkPhoto200620-123637 BIRCHTOWN 0342K NaimarkPhoto200620-123700 BIRCHTOWN 0343K NaimarkPhoto200620-123729 BIRCHTOWN 0344K NaimarkPhoto200620-124754 BIRCHTOWN 0366K NaimarkPhoto200620-124754 BIRCHTOWN 0367K NaimarkPhoto200620-124755 BIRCHTOWN 0368K NaimarkPhoto200620-124756 BIRCHTOWN 0369K NaimarkPhoto200620-124804 BIRCHTOWN 0370K NaimarkPhoto200620-124827 BIRCHTOWN 0371K NaimarkPhoto200620-124854 BIRCHTOWN 0372K NaimarkPhoto200620-125400 BIRCHTOWN 0379K NaimarkPhoto200620-125406 BIRCHTOWN 0380K NaimarkPhoto200620-125426 BIRCHTOWN 0382K NaimarkPhoto200620-125453 BIRCHTOWN 0383K NaimarkPhoto200620-132942 BIRCHTOWN 0444K NaimarkPhoto200620-132942 BIRCHTOWN 0445K NaimarkPhoto